Smoke & Mirrors by Teri Johnson 4/19/2020

What Time is it?
If ever there was a time for us to discern, it is now.
I was resting & reflecting, and I saw the scene from The Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy finally saw the curtain pulled back, the Wizard exposed, and the deception of smoke & mirrors that had made her so afraid!
The veil was torn along time ago, and the only smoke God wants in our eyes, is Holy Smoke! Thank God, He gives us a “heads up” and pulls back the curtain of deception through the many seasoned prophets of God -Amos 3:7
And thank God He has given ALL of us the ability to hear His Voice clearly.
Who’s voice will we listen to?
And who’s voice will we magnify?
We get to choose
Many of us have extra time on our hands to reflect.
Dorothy was afraid
Fear had gripped her heart! Plus, the Tin Man needed a Heart, the Scare crow needed a brain, and the Cowardly Lion needed courage.
The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is near and dear, to cause us to be awestruck by our Loving Father. He has already given us everything we need within us; the mind of Christ, a renewed heart aligned to His Heart, and the courage to be more than conqueror’s.
Will we follow the yellow brick road, or will we follow Jesus?
“I’ll be a fool for Jesus! Who’s fool are you”? -John Wimber
Are you willing to do whatever the Lord asks of you, whether it makes sense or not?
I have been called; foolish, naïve’, at best “overly optimistic”, especially during this season.
Have you? If so, good, it is huge compliment!
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. -1 Cor 2-14
Red Ruby Slippers
Dorothy couldn't wait to click her heels three times to magically get back in the comfort of her old familiar home. As we are locked into our homes, are we willing to let Holy Spirit take us out of our comfort zones?
God has given you the incredible Gift of your Imagination to be able to see from His Highest Perspective. He loves to burn images from His Heart into your Heart, imprinting it with Lasting Transformation. Your Imagination is the Gateway to the Revelation of what God desires to reveal to you. Why not use your Imagination to "Imagine-Nations" running & coming into Jesus? Our Heavenly Papa will most certainly, make sure that His Son gets His Full Reward!
Pocket the Pennies
One time I told a cashier, You can keep those pennies, keep the change, I hate change!
Guess what? No sooner than I walked out that store’s door, Holy Spirit spoke to me & said:
“I want you to repent & stop saying that you hate change. The words you speak out are so powerful. Instead I want you to say this out loud:”
"I LOVE change! I EMBRACE change"!
Let's be God’s change agents, bringing lasting transformation to a desperate world.
Change! Change! Change! (A Declaration to say loud & clear, for all to hear)
Water to Wine
Empty to Full
Thirsty to Satisfied
Naked to Clothed
Not Enough to More than Enough
Lack to Abundance
Sowing to Reaping
Plowing to Harvest
Decrease to Increase
Nothing to Something
Poor to Rich
Rags to Riches
Wineskins to New Wineskins
Darkness to Light
Death to Life
Filthy to Clean
Tainted to Purity
Bondage to Freedom
Slavery to Royalty
Orphaned to Adopted Sonship
Lost to Saved
Sinners to Saints
Asleep to Awakened
Dull to Sharpened
Sickness to Health
Disease to Ease
Misery to Miracle
Broken to Whole
Impossible to Possible
Battles to Victories
Defeated to Overcomer
Bottom to Top
Tail to Head
Sinking to Walking on Water
Flood to Rainbow
Fear to Faith
Weak to Strong
Strength to Strength
Faith to Faith
Insanity to The Mind of Christ
Turmoil to Peace
Weariness to Restfulness
The Last Supper to The Wedding Banquet
Test to Testimony
Sorrow to Joy
Darkness to Brilliance
Genesis to Revelation
Deep calls to Deep
Glory to GLORY
Jesus Always Saves the Best for Last!
And We ain't seen nothing yet!
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us -Eph 3:20 NKJV
If ever there was a time for us to discern, it is now.
I was resting & reflecting, and I saw the scene from The Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy finally saw the curtain pulled back, the Wizard exposed, and the deception of smoke & mirrors that had made her so afraid!
The veil was torn along time ago, and the only smoke God wants in our eyes, is Holy Smoke! Thank God, He gives us a “heads up” and pulls back the curtain of deception through the many seasoned prophets of God -Amos 3:7
And thank God He has given ALL of us the ability to hear His Voice clearly.
Who’s voice will we listen to?
And who’s voice will we magnify?
We get to choose
Many of us have extra time on our hands to reflect.
- Will we stare into the reflection of what is being broadcast on television?
- Or, Will we gaze into the Face of Jesus and see the mirror reflection of the Truth of Who He is in us & Who we are in Him?
Dorothy was afraid
Fear had gripped her heart! Plus, the Tin Man needed a Heart, the Scare crow needed a brain, and the Cowardly Lion needed courage.
The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is near and dear, to cause us to be awestruck by our Loving Father. He has already given us everything we need within us; the mind of Christ, a renewed heart aligned to His Heart, and the courage to be more than conqueror’s.
Will we follow the yellow brick road, or will we follow Jesus?
“I’ll be a fool for Jesus! Who’s fool are you”? -John Wimber
Are you willing to do whatever the Lord asks of you, whether it makes sense or not?
I have been called; foolish, naïve’, at best “overly optimistic”, especially during this season.
Have you? If so, good, it is huge compliment!
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. -1 Cor 2-14
Red Ruby Slippers
Dorothy couldn't wait to click her heels three times to magically get back in the comfort of her old familiar home. As we are locked into our homes, are we willing to let Holy Spirit take us out of our comfort zones?
- Are we willing to move forward into the New Day that He has prepared us for?
- Are we genuinely more than excited to do the new thing that He has for us?
- Will you simply believe, and dream with Him for what seems to be impossible?
- Will you sit and partner with Him using your imagination as God’s co-creator?
- Will you let God stretch your imagination?
God has given you the incredible Gift of your Imagination to be able to see from His Highest Perspective. He loves to burn images from His Heart into your Heart, imprinting it with Lasting Transformation. Your Imagination is the Gateway to the Revelation of what God desires to reveal to you. Why not use your Imagination to "Imagine-Nations" running & coming into Jesus? Our Heavenly Papa will most certainly, make sure that His Son gets His Full Reward!
Pocket the Pennies
One time I told a cashier, You can keep those pennies, keep the change, I hate change!
Guess what? No sooner than I walked out that store’s door, Holy Spirit spoke to me & said:
“I want you to repent & stop saying that you hate change. The words you speak out are so powerful. Instead I want you to say this out loud:”
"I LOVE change! I EMBRACE change"!
Let's be God’s change agents, bringing lasting transformation to a desperate world.
Change! Change! Change! (A Declaration to say loud & clear, for all to hear)
Water to Wine
Empty to Full
Thirsty to Satisfied
Naked to Clothed
Not Enough to More than Enough
Lack to Abundance
Sowing to Reaping
Plowing to Harvest
Decrease to Increase
Nothing to Something
Poor to Rich
Rags to Riches
Wineskins to New Wineskins
Darkness to Light
Death to Life
Filthy to Clean
Tainted to Purity
Bondage to Freedom
Slavery to Royalty
Orphaned to Adopted Sonship
Lost to Saved
Sinners to Saints
Asleep to Awakened
Dull to Sharpened
Sickness to Health
Disease to Ease
Misery to Miracle
Broken to Whole
Impossible to Possible
Battles to Victories
Defeated to Overcomer
Bottom to Top
Tail to Head
Sinking to Walking on Water
Flood to Rainbow
Fear to Faith
Weak to Strong
Strength to Strength
Faith to Faith
Insanity to The Mind of Christ
Turmoil to Peace
Weariness to Restfulness
The Last Supper to The Wedding Banquet
Test to Testimony
Sorrow to Joy
Darkness to Brilliance
Genesis to Revelation
Deep calls to Deep
Glory to GLORY
Jesus Always Saves the Best for Last!
And We ain't seen nothing yet!
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us -Eph 3:20 NKJV