“God’s Fireworks are about to blowup our Landscape of Stagnicity!”
by Teri Johnson
by Teri Johnson

On July 4th, I was falling asleep, listening to the fireworks explode in our neighborhood, and remembering the times in my life where I had seen the powerful “fireworks” of God; Miracles, Healings, and Signs & Wonders exploding, manifesting & blowing up all the stagnicity of what was familiar and the “same old” landscape to encounter His new thing spring forth, bringing true and transformational change.
(Isaiah 43:19)
I was thanking the Lord for those times, and at the same time missing those times, it has been such a very long time. I was sincerely grateful for all that I have seen, but at the same time so hungry, because I knew there was more.
Everyone can see how fractured the world is now, and certainly in need of a powerful move of God to over-ride these tumultuous times. Like David, I asked: “How long Lord”? and then I fell asleep.
I awoke early the next morning in the middle of a dream. I dreamed
I was in a church, however I saw the pews were empty. Then I saw the power of God come upon a man and his wife so very strong that they could not walk. As the dream zoomed in on the man’s face I saw in his eyes, that he was awestruck by the “Awe” of God. He had seen something that he had never ever seen before! Then I recognized him, his face was familiar, it was John Arnott! (Toronto Blessing Movement) The next scene of the dream, I saw John being literally covered in lightening & electricity. The high voltage of God’s power was moving back & forth over his entire body.
The dream ended with a relative of mine not believing this was true, and I was telling him, this is real and this is God!
I asked Holy Spirit to confirm this was actually John Arnott. Holy Spirit let me know that yes I was seeing John Arnott, and then He showed me two “Are not” scriptures (a word play on the Arnott name) in Acts Chapter 2:
“Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, Look, ARE NOT all these who speak Galileans”? ~Acts 2:7
“For these ARE NOT drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day.” ~Acts 2:15
I feel back asleep and awoke again @ 4:16am with these two “4:16” Scriptures
“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” ~1 John 4:16 NKJV
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” ~Hebrews 4:16 NKJV
What was God showing me in the dream? And why was it sent to me?
God was responding to my conversation with him before I fell asleep.
The dream showed me:
What exactly will take place? The details were not given to me, but I do know in order for us to see it, we must repent from “unbelief” and simply believe that:
The dream was sent for two reasons;
1) To Intercede
Agree with God with intercession full of faith, that will touch God’s heart to move on our behalf, so His New Thing will spring forth.
2. To Share with others
God has heard your cry and He will not pass you by.
The reason for a Great Awakening is that many are asleep.
God is not awakening us to a nightmare, but to dream, partner with and believe Him again.
“Arise, you sleeper! Rise up from the dead and the Anointed One will shine His Light into you!”
~Ephesians 5:14 TPT
Brace yourself for God’s Embrace!
You are about to be totally overcome by a unique and Powerful Embrace of God’s Love for you, that will rock your world and change everything.
(Isaiah 43:19)
I was thanking the Lord for those times, and at the same time missing those times, it has been such a very long time. I was sincerely grateful for all that I have seen, but at the same time so hungry, because I knew there was more.
Everyone can see how fractured the world is now, and certainly in need of a powerful move of God to over-ride these tumultuous times. Like David, I asked: “How long Lord”? and then I fell asleep.
I awoke early the next morning in the middle of a dream. I dreamed
I was in a church, however I saw the pews were empty. Then I saw the power of God come upon a man and his wife so very strong that they could not walk. As the dream zoomed in on the man’s face I saw in his eyes, that he was awestruck by the “Awe” of God. He had seen something that he had never ever seen before! Then I recognized him, his face was familiar, it was John Arnott! (Toronto Blessing Movement) The next scene of the dream, I saw John being literally covered in lightening & electricity. The high voltage of God’s power was moving back & forth over his entire body.
The dream ended with a relative of mine not believing this was true, and I was telling him, this is real and this is God!
I asked Holy Spirit to confirm this was actually John Arnott. Holy Spirit let me know that yes I was seeing John Arnott, and then He showed me two “Are not” scriptures (a word play on the Arnott name) in Acts Chapter 2:
“Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, Look, ARE NOT all these who speak Galileans”? ~Acts 2:7
“For these ARE NOT drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day.” ~Acts 2:15
I feel back asleep and awoke again @ 4:16am with these two “4:16” Scriptures
“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” ~1 John 4:16 NKJV
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” ~Hebrews 4:16 NKJV
What was God showing me in the dream? And why was it sent to me?
God was responding to my conversation with him before I fell asleep.
The dream showed me:
- Today’s church with it’s many empty pews.
- God powerfully moving upon John and Carolyn Arnott.
- John & Carolyn Arnott represent a very “unique-never-before-seen”, transformational, powerful and healing move of God that caught the worlds attention. John & Carolyn Arnott also represent: “Catch the Fire” in the dream.
- We are being awakened to the “Are not” Scriptures of Acts 2, really the whole 2ND Chapter of Acts. And we are being re-awakened to 1 John & Hebrews 4:16
- God is about to awaken the church with a new & powerful move. Regardless of all that we have seen before, this is something entirely brand new, we have never seen this before. It will change everything.
What exactly will take place? The details were not given to me, but I do know in order for us to see it, we must repent from “unbelief” and simply believe that:
- God is lighting a fresh fire under us, that will ignite us to move out of our comfort zone (the pews of stagnicity) with fresh fire into the uncomfortable & unknown.
- God’s bringing something brand new that has never been seen on earth before, doing what seems impossible to us and we will partner with God in changing everything for His Goodness & Kingdom’s sake.
The dream was sent for two reasons;
1) To Intercede
Agree with God with intercession full of faith, that will touch God’s heart to move on our behalf, so His New Thing will spring forth.
2. To Share with others
God has heard your cry and He will not pass you by.
The reason for a Great Awakening is that many are asleep.
God is not awakening us to a nightmare, but to dream, partner with and believe Him again.
“Arise, you sleeper! Rise up from the dead and the Anointed One will shine His Light into you!”
~Ephesians 5:14 TPT
Brace yourself for God’s Embrace!
You are about to be totally overcome by a unique and Powerful Embrace of God’s Love for you, that will rock your world and change everything.